Peter Ketturkat - Lederergasse 4/20 - A-1080 Wien - Tel.: +43(0)6991.9526936 - E-Mail: ketturkat<at>A1.net
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Sculpture and design
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© 2006
For Your legs only/ Xyloboing Sculpture and design
About the company
The internationally acclaimed Peter Ketturkat tours all over the world with his shows for family audiences and for adults. His work is very visual and has no language barriers, as he uses no or minimal text. Quirky puppets and objects which he designs and makes himself, live music and beautifully-crafted sets combine to create witty, humorous and haunting theatre.
Peter began performing in 1978 when he moved from a small German village to the Ruhrgebiet, the industrial heartland of Germany. This huge change in his surroundings inspired him to develop a new style of theatre using everyday materials and objects.
Peter says: "In my village, we had a few fruit groves and some small vineyards. As kids, we used to cycle around the uncrowded country lanes. Most of my family still lives there. It was great but like many young people, I longed for the big city. When I got there though, the contrast was so dramatic, not to say shocking, that I decided to find a way of transforming the everyday materials and objects I saw around me into some kind of artistic experience. It wasn't sentimental nostalgia, it was more to do with finding a kind of poetry in this new functional, urban environment, celebrating it even. So ever since then I've been creating theatre shows, installations and sculptures out of ordinary household objects, junk materials and industrial metals". > 2